Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Autumn Is Here!!
OK I haven't been on for awhile so there is a lot to talk about so let's get to it. A few weeks ago the campground hosted a group called the Fiddlers. What this group does is get together twice a year and basically play music. Call it one big jam session. I wasn't able to get any pictures but I did get one at a dance they had. I can't remember the group's name.
They were pretty good and they had a good time with the crowd. Sherry and I started dancing and we actually forgot some of our moves. Boy did we look bad. I guess we will practice more often.
We all got the opportunity to go to a show called the "Dixie Stampede". It's a dinner show. The show consists of a type of musical between the North and South with song and horses and wagons. The food was great. Let me tell you what you get; A whole chicken, a slice of pork, a baked potato, a roll, a bowl of soup, soft drinks and a apple fritter for dessert. Everybody gets this menu including Brianne. The best part is there is no silverware to use. Use your hands and plenty of napkins. Everything was served hot and it was all good.
We have started homeschooling with Bri and she is doing quite well. We had the best science class served up by mother nature herself. This month we are studying spiders and we had the perfect opportunity to see what happens when a stick bug got caught up in a web. I took some pictures of what happened.
As you can see the spider took the stick bug from the ground and then finally wrapped it up in its web. Brianne was very interested in what was going on and asked a lot of questions. Great class.
Work around here has been steady. Our help around here is starting to leave for the winter. Johnny and Ginny, who was helping us in house keeping left back in September. Greg and Karen, who take care of the plants and grounds left this past week. Here is their picture.
They are a great couple and will be back next year. Brianne calls them Mr. and Mrs. Garden. Bobby and Maggie will be leaving sometime early next week and also will be back next year. here they are.
As you can see Maggie is somewhat of a character and fun to talk to. I think I have covered everyone that is leaving in the near future.
We are staying pretty busy with just the two of us cleaning. If we need help we can get Daniel and Rachal to help. We try not to leave any rooms to carry over to the next day but sometimes it is too much to get done in one day. The busiest days are Sunday and Monday and then we are off on Tuesday and Wednesday. Coming up in about two weeks is the "Wood Carvers" and they are to rent most of the lodge rooms so we will be busy most of the week. They are scheduled to start coming in on a Thursday and stay for about a week. Now this leaves most of the checkouts on a Thursday or Friday which means that Sherry and I just might get the lodge cleaned before our days off. I don't know but we will wait and see.
I think I have covered what has been happening so until next time have a good one.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Beautiful Weather
We have no idea what it is all about but they come here twice a year, spring and fall. We are hoping that there will be some time during the weekend that we can see and hear some of them. They are scheduled until Sunday. I am sure that we will get some pictures and once we do I will post them for all to see. We are looking forward to seeing them.
Yesterday, in preparation for the weekend, Roger asked us to help put up some canvass type covers. They were heavy and we managed to put up two of them. These covers are for the Fiddlers just in case it rains or just a place to sit and play the fiddle, I guess.
Here are a few pictures of us putting them up.
It may look like a disorganized mess but we were able to get them up with no body getting hurt.
It looks like in this picture that Roger is either hot and tired or he is thinking of what to do next or maybe he is thinking it is time for a beer.
We were able to get FREE tickets to go see the "Osmonds" last night. We have always wanted to see them and because of this job we finally did. There were 3 of them Wayne, Jay and Merill.
It was a great show and much fun to watch. Unfortunately we didn't think they would allow cameras in the theatre so we didn't get any pictures but we did buy the DVD of the show and a picture of us at the show. We got home around 11 so it made for a late night. Luckily we don't have to work today so everybody got to sleep in some.
Well not much more to say so until next time have a good one.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Unofficial End of Summer
On Sunday we had so many refreshes to do that I think we lost count. We were able to get them all done including doing a turn around. We were busy for sure. On Monday everybody checked out of the hotel and lodge. To make a long story short, we were able to clean all but ten rooms at the lodge and didn't get to the main campground at all. There is no rush get everything cleaned because nothing is being rented for awhile.
Yesterday we started Bri on her home school. She seemed excited about it and had a good time. She had spelling words, reading a book, built a squirrel feeder for science, and did some clock work. Oh and also sent her grandmother an email. We switch subjects on different days like today she will do some math as we didn't have math yesterday. The whole homeschooling takes about one to two hours. Now mind you we teach all the time when the opportunity arises.
Homeschooling was a no brainer when we decided to go full timing. We were not happy with the school district that Bri was in. We had an ace in the hole, my brothers, Tim and John both home schooled their children. We discussed the subjects and found the necessary books to work out of. Now Bri has started her second grade and will progress just fine.
Speaking of full timing, what do you look for on the inside and out? Well before buying I recommend going to inspect your RV after a rainy day and bring a flashlight. Why? Because you will be able to see if the roof leaks in the smallest areas. Inside you want to make sure the layout is to your liking and will be roomy for you. On the outside, my favorite part, look for tire tread as well as the date code to see how old the tires are. On our unit we had great tire tread but the tires were made in 1996. Too old! So we purchased four new tires. What else to look for, hot water heater for signs of leaking and look inside the cabinets for the heater as well for leaking. Climb on the roof if possible, no you need to see the roof. Check out the storage areas for enough room and leaks. What about the propane tanks and the battery(ies)? Looks like there is a lot of stuff here to learn I know that I had to. Maybe we can talk about that at a later time. So until next time have a good one.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Rain Has Come
Tuesday night we had a potluck dinner we went to. I like to call it a monthly meeting with all of us and there just happens to be food there. I brought my famous potato salad, actually it is my mothers and grandmothers salad. There was plenty of food and company and it was all good.
I met up with Rachael and Daniel and talked with them for a while. They take care of cleaning the bathhouses here. They are the ones that workamp in a tent. Well good news they have purchased a tent trailer a few weeks back. They tell me that they are really enjoying the air conditioning. We will be taking over their job in November when they leave, so we will be working with them down the road to see what they do as far as their job.
Here is Daniel and Rachael. Great couple and easy to talk to. Good luck guys in your new RV.
Speaking of new RVs, how does one choose an RV to go on the road?
When Sherry and I decided that this type of life style will be in our future, we would go to shows mostly or take a day and go to different dealers.
So again how do you choose? A Pop-up, a Travel Trailer (Bumper pull), a Fifth wheel or a Motor home? You simply choose what will fit your needs is all that I can say. As you know in our case we chose the fifth wheel.
We considered all the options, cost, room, living space, storage, kitchen, our bed position (that's a weird one), the bathroom setup, and so on. This home of ours fit our needs. OK now for the tough part, can I tow this beast.
The biggest thing that I have towed was our 26 foot bumper pull trailer. I think I have mastered that one pretty good, but a monster of a trailer like this fifth wheel.........Never! I have been told that once you pull a fifth wheel you will never go back to a bumper pull. Great but what about backing it in. When we bought the trailer and truck and got it home it took us about two hours trying to back this thing into the driveway. I thought what did I get myself into? With practice and getting advice I am a bit better at it.
In closing, consider all aspects of your choice no matter how silly it may be. Not only do we check out the inside make sure you check the outside as well. What do we check for there? How pretty the paint looks or are the tires still there and still black??? UUMMMMMMM.......
Until next time have a good one.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Back To Work
Joel and Linda took off yesterday to head back home. He emailed me to let me know that they made it home safely. They have a busy schedule for the next few months and are expected back in Branson in mid November for a doctor's appointment. Unfortunately we think that we will miss them by a day or so because we will be leaving around that time.
Our work load is going to be heavy for this coming Labor Day weekend. At last count for the whole park there are 80+ arrivals and the lodge is filling up fast. We are to have help and I am sure that all will go well, tired but well. There will be many check outs but they all don't have to be done in one day. We can spread them out for a few days.
I forgot to mention in my last post that on our vacation we went to visit Silver Dollar City. In case you don't know, this theme park is set back in the 1880's or so having people making things from that time period. The park was very clean and lots of shops. Bri got to ride a few rides and she loved them. My expectations were not met. I am not sure what I was expecting but when we left I felt disappointed. It is more of an outside mall of different craft stores and such. We did plan to go for two days but decided not to go the second. The most expensive thing we bought was lunch. I don't mean to bad mouth the place but just giving my opinion. I think everybody should experience the place once and form your own opinion.
Onto my other subject that I opened up in my last post. Sherry and I both feel that full timing in the RV was and still is the choice for us.
For us full timing was a choice we made many years ago when we retire. It just so happened that the decision was a little earlier, like 12 years. When I lost my job back in late of 2008 Sherry was kidding around and said "The heck with it let's just sell everything and go full timing." I looked at her and said that is a possibility. We talked more about it while I was still looking for work. We were out and about one day and saw this fifth wheel and decided to take a look. We looked at it and just kept looking at it. I think that's when we both knew that this is the path we were going to go down. I cashed in my 401k and we purchased our new home. Oh it also came with a Ford pick-up to tow it with.
Here is our home a 1997 NU-WA Snowbird, 31 foot.
I don't have much more to say now so until next time have a good one.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Vacation All but Over
A couple of days ago we went to the Springfield Zoo. It was somewhat warm but we had a good time and Bri got to see many animals. She was very animate about seeing the hippos and that was the last animal she got to see. Afterwards we drove back to Branson to have dinner.
We went to a place called Mike's Steak House. Bri got her normal cheeseburger and mom and I got steaks, of course. The waitress was very attentive and gave Bri some crayons and coloring books. She told her that if she colored real nice and ate her dinner she would put her picture on the wall for her. Bri did a good job and now her picture is hanging on the wall.
Joel and Linda's time here is coming to an end. We think that they will be leaving this upcoming Monday. They have been the most friendliest people I think I have ever met. They are very helpful and very easy to talk to. We are going to miss them very much. Hopefully we will stay in contact with them and maybe get to meet up with them in our future travels. Good luck Joel and Linda and stay safe.
Now that just leaves Sherry and I to do the housekeeping. This upcoming Labor Day weekend shows over 66 plus guests coming in. We are not sure how many of them will be renting rooms but I am sure we will stay busy. We are suppose to have help if needed but we will wait and see.
Changing gears here, I have started to plot our course for our trip to Mesa, AZ this coming November. We are headed to Mesa to have Thanksgiving with my Mother. I wanted to make sure that we did not head into the mountains so I decided to head south in New Mexico, plus I hope that we will not get any snow or ice. I am sure that we won't but you never know what might happen.
We are looking to put the trailer in storage and stay with my mom while we are there. I am going to call my bother and see if his backyard is big enough and accessible from the street. Going this route we might be able to save a few pennies.
After Thanksgiving we will be heading back to Houston to spend the holidays with the rest of the family and catch up. We are also hoping to work another fireworks stand this year. We had alot of fun doing it and made a few bucks.
If you don't mind let me change gears again.
We have met people in the past and when we tell them that we are full timing RVer's we get answers like,"That sounds like fun", "I wish I could do that", or "That's what I want to do". My question is why not?
Now I know that in this economy this type of lifestyle may not be possible for everyone or is it. In our situation when I lost my job it was only natural for us to go down this path. I am very glad that we did. The stress factor alone did it for me. No more mortgage, electric and water bills and don't even have to mow the lawn. I just wonder why more people haven't chose this type of life style. Oh well maybe more on this subject later.
Until next time have a good one.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
On Sunday we went to the "Butterfly Palace". It is a rain forest type place with a bunch of butterflies. Here are a few of them.
Yesterday we went to a place called the "Toy Museum". This place was great. Every type of toy that you probably played with was there. I think we were there about two hours. We saw a video about a famous author, Harold Bell Wright who wrote the book called "The Shepard of the Hills" which is about the surrounding area and Branson. I bought the book and actually plan on reading it.
Well that's it for today so until next time have a good one.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Close But No Cigar
Yesterday we went in search of Sherry's parents cemetery. I was there once before over 20 some years ago and didn't remember how to get there and Sherry was not quite sure of the way either. With a little investigation work we were able to find it with no problem.
She told me that her grandparents were also buried next to her mom and dad. The name of the cemetery is "Wrights Cemetery". Just wanted to put the name in there for arguments sake. We had a very nice drive home well to WalMart and finished the day grocery shopping.
We have to go back to work today and Joel and Linda are off today and tomorrow. The weather is still hot and humid but some relief is on the way by this weekend.
I don't have anymore so until next time have a good one.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Monday, August 9th, 2010
The life working here does have its perks. Some of the shows here invite the local area businesses to come to their show for FREE. That's right for free. A couple of nights ago we went to a show called "The Legends in Concert". It is a bunch of performers who are impersonators of famous people. So we saw Little Richard, Brittney Spears, The Blues Brothers, Michael Jackson, a young Elvis and Alan Jackson. By far Alan Jackson , we think, was the best of all. The show was about 2.5 hours long so it made a very long night, but worth it. There is another free show this coming Wednesday but is to mature for Brianne, so we will fore go that show and wait for the next one. We have been told that we can get discounted tickets with our check stub so we will look into that some day.
The work load lately has been busy but no pressure of people renting any rooms or cabins. Tomorrow we have 4 cabins to clean and will start with them first thing. Should get them cleaned before lunch. By our best guess we think there will be about 5 or 6 rooms to clean and the lodge will be empty to the best of our knowledge. Now there is the possibility of some rooms getting rented tonight but we won't know until tomorrow. Joel and Linda have been a get help. They normally take care of the main campground motel and cabins. They only had one room to do today and then they came over to the lodge to help us. They did two rooms and two cabins and then they had to go back to the main campground to finish their laundry. Sherry and I quit cleaning rooms around 3:30 today to catch up on our own laundry. We are almost done with the laundry but there is still tomorrow.
Sherry and I will need to get back with Heidi to see if we can finish up the deal for next season. I am not worried but Roger and Heidi were out of town for their daughter's graduation this past weekend. I am sure we will all get together sometime this week.
Well that seems to be it for now so I need to get Bri to bed and until next time have a good one.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Wednesday August 4th, 2010
The work load here has finally calm down some. Yesterday was a easy day. We cleaned one room and had 3 or 4 refreshes. We did more laundry and got that caught up and stocked the storage closets.
Later in the afternoon we went over to the main park to talk to Heidi about coming back next year. We accepted the offer but had a few questions that she will have to talk to Robert, the owner about. Once this happens then we think we can finalize the deal. We talked about starting in mid March through October. We will be leaving here in mid November and head towards Mesa Arizona for Thanksgiving with my mother. We are looking forward to that get together.
Well I don't have much more than this so until next time have a good one.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Saturday July 31, 2010
The last few days here have been a bear. Not only has the weather been hot and muggy, all of the cabins have been rented for a family reunion, and they all took sheets and towels. Not not normal. The cabins will be checking out tomorrow and most of the lodge will be also. When we left today I was able to see what kind of work load we will have for tomorrow and there will be over 25 check outs. I was able to find out which rooms will be rented for Monday and there are seven of them, so Sherry and I will hit those first. Today was pretty bad so i asked I Joel if he would come in and help and he did. Thanks Joel. It was his day off so he only worked a half a day.
Here is a picture of our managers Roger and
Heidi. They are great people.
Well I have to admit that we had our first boo boo in the trailer a few days ago. We have a range cover that adds extra counter space when you don't need the stove. I opened only half of it to use the front burner and when I started that burner the back one was turned on. I didn't realize it at first and you guessed it it burned a mark on the cover. I would show you a picture of it but the computer is acting stupid right now. Maybe later.
Well that's about it for now so until next time have a good one.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The weather for today says that we will be getting some rain. That's fine with me as long as it cools off for a bit. The temps have been around the lower to mid 90's with high humidity. I like when I have two days off, I don't have to sweat that much.
I should be grateful that I can come home from work to an air conditioned trailer. We got to know another couple here named Daniel and Rachel. They keep the bathrooms clean. They live in a tent. No a/c but only a fan. I haven't heard the whole story but Hurricane Katrina did their house in and later Daniel lost his job. They are in good spirits and are looking for a Pop-Up.
Thursday night was our pot luck dinner. The theme was that you had to bring a dish that started with the first letter of your last name. So since our last name is Lambros we brought "Lemon cake". We had a good mix of food and the managers provided us with steaks. The owner's last name began with the letter S so he brought fried Spam. I was going to try it but darn it it was all gone. Thank God. Overall it was a pleasant evening and we all stuffed ourselves.
Joel and Linda were off Friday and Saturday, the work load busy but not too bad. Today is going to be the kicker. Almost every room has been rented and they are all checking out today. That means about 20 plus rooms need total cleaning. Now Sherry and I can clean one from start to finish in about 30 minutes, now you do the math. Joel and Linda with be taking care of the main campground motel and they will busy over there.
We just have to concentrate on the turn arounds and the rooms the will be rented for Monday. If we can at least get that done we can work on the other rooms at a later date. This also includes the cabins as well.
Maybe I should explain what I am talking about.
Refresh: Go in collect and put new towels as needed, make the beds, empty the trash.
Turn Around: This means that one guest is checking out that day and another is checking in same day. These have to be done first.
Arrivals: The easy ones means some one is checking in that day and make sure the room is prepared for them.
I think that I have caught you up now. Well it won't be long now that I have to wake the family to get started on this day. So until next time have a good one.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
We were off yesterday and went to go pick up our new sign. Unfortunately it was wrong. Instead of the apostrophe being after the "S" he placed it before the "S". He made it like this "Lambro's" Sooooo Wrong. The maker was out to lunch so we decided to have lunch as well and wait for him to get back. While having lunch he called me and I told him that it was incorrect and that it needed to be fixed. I also told hem that we will be back next week to pick it up. We were disappointed.
I have a few pictures of the area that I would like to post here.
We went and did some shopping and I think Sherry said that she has completed one of the grand kids gifts. Cool get that Christmas shopping done early. Way to go Babe. We decided to try this one Mexican restaurant just down the street for dinner. It was not bad, we both had mixed fajitas and they were good. We probably will be back.
Today we will be grocery day so off to WalMart. Joel calls it the $100 dollar store. Good one Joel, you're right.
Tonight we have the Campground pot luck dinner. We are looking forward to it. I will need to remember to take my camera.
I almost forgot. A couple of days ago Sherry found a large copperhead snake near a tree by the parking lot. I call Roger on the radio and asked if he had a plan for snakes and he said he did. He showed up with Robert and a .22 rifle. Robert killed the snake and boy he was big and fat. We think he got done eating and was taking a nap or something. Now we have to be on the look out for snakes.
Well I think that about wraps it up so until next time have a good one.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
After that we went to a place for lunch that was a buffet. This was a real nice place and also had a petting type animal show that Sherry thought would be nice to take Brianne. We will investigate that in the near future. The food was very good but somewhat pricey.
We took off to locate where this one show was going to be because we get free tickets to see them tomorrow night. They are called the "Heygoods". We found the theater and went to find another craft store. Nothing new there pretty much the same as the other one but what we did find was a card that had the correct spelling for Brianne's name. The first time ever that we found something that had the correct spelling of her name. Pretty cool. After that we went grocery shopping and went home.
Today we had to go back to work. Now mind you that this work is not hard at all. Come on how hard is it to make a bed and vacuum? And be in the a/c? Well sometimes the a/c isn't on when we go in but it is not bad. We found out that one of our cleaning couples had left to go back home so that leaves just us and Joel and his wife Linda who starts back working again we think tomorrow.
Joel and Linda will be working over at the main campground which has a motel with 5 rooms and a mobile home that will sleep up to ten people. Basically a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. They will keep that up and cleaned and do laundry over there. Sherry and I will be handling the lodge that consists of 25 rooms and laundry. Now don't think that we got the short end of the stick here we prefer doing the lodge, it has a better washing and drying machines than the other side. We all work together and help each other out.
Today Sherry and I cleaned 4 rooms which is what we call a check out and did 3 refreshes, which are towels, make the beds and trash gathering. After that we do the laundry and anything else that needs to be done within our capabilities. Sherry likes to clean the outside doors to the rooms so there you go.
Tomorrow we were scheduled from 11 to 6:30 but asked the manager, Roger if we could come in early so we can get off early to make the show and he said fine no problem. What a relief, now we have a little time to get cleaned up before we go to the show. I am looking forward to it. I just hope I can bring my camera in to take pictures.
Well I think that's about it for the last two days. We really do like it here and we may even think about coming back next year if they will have us. I have to get up early tomorrow so until the next time have a good one.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
New Job in Branson, MO
The job in Bracey, VA did not work out at all. We were working at a place called Americamps. It started well but when they wanted us to "just" clean the two bath houses for eight hours and have three split shifts, it became too much. In a nut shell, if you like to party every night and kiss a** then this is the job for you. If you want to do your job correctly, well and stay to yourself then stay away from this place. Oh I almost forgot, they shorted us about 9 hours of pay.
We left there June 9th and headed towards Springfield, MO. Sherry has a neice there and she said that we can park at her house for however long it will take to get ourselves another job. After attempting to park the trailer in her backyard, which was too soft, we ended up using the driveway instead. More solid and safer.
We set up the trailer and in the next few days we headed for Branson to do some cold calling. That was on a Saturday, the day after we arrived. We decided that the next day was Father's Day and would not be a good day to prospect for jobs and would go on Monday. Father's Day was nice and I grilled steaks for everyone.
Monday morning we received a call from a place called Compton Ridge Campground and Lodge. The owner said that he would like to meet with us that afternoon at 4. We went down there and had a talk with him, his name was Robert. He gave us the low down and a breif tour of the place. The job is in house keeping and laundry. We clean the lodge rooms and do laundry. I located an Olive Garden so we went to dinner to discuss the job. We decided to take it and called Robert back to accept. He asked when we can be there and we said Friday.
We drove down to Branson on Friday and set up in a great sight by the manager Roger. He said to come to the main office to sign the papers and meet his wife Heidi. She said that we will start the next day on Saturday.
We started at 9:30 and met a gentleman named Joel. He is to show us what to do on the rooms and laundry. Joel works by himself and he was a very good teacher. The next day he let us clean a room by ourselves and he said that we did a very good job. We also work with another couple named Bernie and Wilber they clean the other rooms at the main campground.
Well that is about it for now. We have been here for about 2 or 3 weeks now and the job is nice. I like the part that we can clean a room with a/c. It doesn't get better than that. Until next time have a good one.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Terrible Fire!
Well we have been here almost three weeks and started working here for about the last two weeks. Sherry and I have been very busy. She has been trained to work in the office/store taking care of customers and I have been basically painting the rental trailers they have and other projects. They are changing the color scheme here at the park so everything is being painted. I will be so happy when this painting is over with.
About two days ago we had a major fire that consumed three trailers and the surrounding fixtures. The blaze was so intense that the heat from the fire warped and melted homes across the street. The Fire Marshall is doing an investigation to find out what started the fire. It started in a vacant home so we have no clue how it started. Of course you can never rule out arson. But we have no idea.
Nobody was injured just the homes burnt to the ground. One lady stays here all time and her home was a total loss. We were very happy to know that she was not at home at the time of the fire.
Things have calmed down some now and we are preparing for a fishing tournament that will be happening this weekend. i will be continuing with the painting and Sherry will be in the store for the next two days. So until next time........................
Saturday, March 13, 2010
We Made It To Our First Job
We took off from Tomball, Texas on March 3rd and planned at least a week to two weeks to get to Virginia. We wanted plenty of time for weather and road conditions. Our first stop was just outside of Baton Rouge at a RV Park called Maxies RV Park. The rates were reasonable at about $17.00. We stayed one night and moved on the next day.
We planned to travel about 200 to 250 miles a day. The next stop was at Payne's RV Park at Theodore, Alabama. The fees for this park came in at about $24.00. This was a real nice place with pull throughs so I didn't have to worry about backing in. One of my favorite things to do. Yea Right!!!! we woke up and on the road again. Hey that sounds like a good name for a song.
Brianne was a good trooper in the truck. She had her dvd's and an electronic game of some sort. Mom packed her a lunch everyday and she watched movies and wanted to know when lunch was at 9:00 in the morning. I have no idea where she puts it.
We travelled across Alabama into Auburn and stayed at a place called Leisure Time Campground. We missed the turn off into their park but turned around and found it with no problem. This place had pull throughs (Thank God) with cable. First time for us and it was neat. They had a softball diamond field and we got to watch fast pitch softball games in the evening. The weather was beautiful and the road conditions were not that bad.
The next morning we did our routine with Bri's help and back on the road for our next leg. Now we are getting excited because we are entering into South Carolina. This brought us to a state park called Lake Hartwell State Park. The site that we got was a pull through as well, how sweet can this be. We decided to stay 2 nights and take a break from travelling and build Bri a fire. The site wasn't all that good but we have been in worst. Very relaxing place. Well now it is Monday morning and time to go. One more night and we will be in Virginia.
Our travels today take us through and up to the norther part of North Carolina to a place called Golden Pond Campground. Unfortunately i had to back into our site there. The roads inside the park are somewhat narrow to say the least. This site cost us $25.00 a night and the only good thing that warrant that cost is that they had a stocked fishing pond. We all practiced our casting while we were there.
We woke up and got things in order and took off for our final destination in Bracey Virginia. We pulled into the park at about 1:30 or so and met with the managers and then was escorted to our sight. Not the mos level site in the world but we made do. So far we have met some of the nicest people and will be meeting more tonight because the is a dance that we will be attending.
Well that is about it for now. I will be trying to keep you all informed of our job and activities as we stay here for the next 8 months.
Have a good one and until next time.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
More Projects
Here is the sofa without the sleeper part.
As you can see I also placed a center 1x3 board with legs. This will give support for the plywood that will be coming next. Also take notice of the legs and board in the front part of the couch.
Ok time for another pic. I bet you are now sitting on the edge of your seat just waiting to see how it came out, aren't (is that a word?) you???
Now you are starting to see that I cut a piece of plywood for the back section of the couch and placed a piano hinge for the second piece of plywood that will make the lid.
Opps, there is Brianne helping out with the couch. She does like to help out with almost any kind of project. Ok on with the project.
Oh by the way Brianne is sleeping on the couch with no problem. We are talking about some kind of extension to the couch so she will have more room in the future.
We will be trying to keep up with the blog but you know how that goes.
See Ya next time.
Friday, January 15, 2010
We Are On Our Way
Our daughter Brianne had no problem with the tree her only worry was how was Santa Claus going to get into the trailer.
After Christmas we took a job running a fireworks stand for the first time. I parked the trailer next to the stand and it was very wet, swampy, and cold. Take a look for yourself what we had to deal with.
This job lasted through the New Year and we came back to the RV park that we were at before. We are now searching for another job around the southern states.
We are still modifying the trailer to our liking which I guess will always happen.
Well until next time be safe.