Tuesday, March 27, 2012

All Good Things Must End

Our time here at the gate is coming to an end. It has been an interesting ride and an educational one. Come Sunday we will be heading out and on our way back to Houston to help out our son and daughter-in-law with their new baby and kids. We have not heard any news about how she is doing other than she is on some medications and waiting to see if this helps. I am sure we will know more once we get there.

It has been busy still and we are now staying up through the night. Well Sherry is. We have one group of workers setting up some pipe to send water to another site for a frac(k?)ing. From point A to point B is over 8 miles. They monitor the pumps during this process. Last Sunday was a very busy day. We had 31 "belly trucks" carrying road base or cliche for a well site. All together they brought in 73 loads. What a nightmare!!

We have met some nice people and of course some ding-a-lings. The one thing that gets to me is when we ask them "Where are you going?" the first response is "DDDUUUHHH, I don't know". How can you drive a truck, get to the gate and not know where to go after that? One night awhile back Sherry ask the million dollar question, "Where are you going?" and the driver said, "I don't know, how come you don't know where I am going, you are suppose to know!" Sometimes you have to wonder when you are on the road going to your next stop and a big truck starts to pass you.

It may sound like I am bashing truckers and I am not. The majority do a very fine job, I am describing what we have encountered here at our gate.

If it doesn't rain today I will start to pack up the truck and strap things down. That all depends on how busy we are. We have acquired a satellite dish and it is attached to the ladder. I think if I loosen the bolts the pole will slide down some and it can ride there. We have a short trip into Laredo and I will check it out and see how it did.

I would like to try something and see if it will work, so bare with me:

Hey it worked!! I looked on my camera and found a different setting for emails and took this picture of used cooking oil on the counter. This was sort of a test to see if it would load up any faster. Well it's obvious that it did. The picture seems to be stretched a bit but I'll take it.

Until next time................Be safe.

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